Thursday 19 January 2012

Diets for Rapid Weight Loss

There are many ways of getting rid of extra pounds. But even the best diets for rapid weight loss have both positive and negative sides. We can say exactly that the method of starvation is not so popular. But despite this, some women have resorted to this method, believing that so they can quickly get rid of unwanted inches. Weight loss occurs rapidly but starvation leads to protein loss and affects the skin. More effective are mono-diets, low-calorie and low-fat diets, separation food diet.
Mono Diets
The best diets for rapid weight loss – it’s tough diets when used only one product. The most popular mono diet includes apple, rice, potato, buckwheat, chocolate and cheese diet. Such diets are designed for no more than 3 days. You can split these three day on three weeks or three months. The only disadvantage is that after the diet is not all can manage to maintain a moderate consumption of other products. There is a huge plus is that mono diets detoxify the body. Nutritionists advise to arrange a fasting days, using different versions of mono diet.
If you want to stand mono diet without complications and troubles, try to choose the right product that is rich in vitamins and trace elements and at the same time are low-calorie.
Low calorie diets
The principle of low-calorie diet is reduced to limit intake of fats. Recommended daily norm must not exceed 1500 calories. To achieve the effect needs sit on a diet on 14 days. The best diets for rapid weight loss, based on the restriction of calories, give real weight loss. For 2 weeks, you can lose 10 – 15 pounds.
Such a diet can help you get rid of excess pounds without radically changing your ration, which includes all necessary components for the body and can be used indefinitely.
Low fat diets
Low fat diets are the best diets for quick weight loss for those women who cannot abandon their usual ration. During the diet, you need to reduce the number of servings, thereby reducing overall calorie intake. You can eat any foods, only to follow the consumption of fat per day. Pros this diet is that you can stick to this diet for a long time, without damage to the health. But not all satisfied with that weight loss is equal to 1.5-2 kg per month.
Separation food diet
From all of these diets, I would recommend separation food diet. A separate food means eating foods protein and carbohydrate composition separately. Such a system allows the digestive tract to work optimally. Products divided into compatible and incompatible.
From fats is recommended to eat only vegetable oil. These fats can be used in conjunction with all groups. The most important thing is not mix products of different origin, is a kind of mono diet that best affects the body as a whole.

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